
Quick Drop

QuickDrop 1.5.0, released on 11 May 2024

In this verion, we have added the ability to quickly add placeholder texts into the script editor. The placeholder texts are elements in your script that will be replaced by the app during runtime with the context of the dropped input file.

placeholder shortcuts

The available placeholder texts are:

  • {{ffmpeg}}: path to FFMpeg installation on your Macs, configured in the setting.
  • {{inputFilePath}}: path to the input file (e.g: /User/name/movie.mp4).
  • {{inputFolderPath}}: path to the input file (e.g: /User/name/).
  • {{inputFileName}}: the name of the input file, including the file extension (e.g: movie.mp4).
  • {{inputFileNameWithoutExtension}}: the name of the input file, excluding the file extension (e.g: movie).
  • {{inputFileExtension}}: the extension of the input file (e.g: mp4).

A sample script could look like this

gifski -o "{{inputFolderPath}}/{{inputFileNameWithoutExtension}}.gif" "{{inputFilePath}}"

When users drop a file into the quick action panel, the placeholder texts {{inputFolderPath}}, {{inputFileNameWithoutExtension}}, {{inputFilePath}} will be replaced by the real values from the input file, then the script will be executed.

The above command will convert a video file to a gif file using Gifski


You can download the latest version of QuickDrop from here and accelerate your productivity when working with files and folders on macOS.

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