
Quick Drop

1.7.0 (21 May 2024)

✨ Features

  • Add ability to toggle visibility of shell script and FFmpeg script in the action panel
  • Add tooltips to the placeholder buttons to explain their functionalities

1.6.0 (15 May 2024)

✨ Features

  • Add ability to choose a shell script as the default notch action
  • Add ability to choose a FFmpeg script as the default notch action

1.5.0 (11 May 2024)

✨ Features

  • Add buttons to add placeholders into script editor quickly

🐞 Fixes

  • Fix: canceling long running script will hide the progress view

1.4.0 (07 May 2024)

✨ Features

  • Add: FFMPEG Integration

1.3.1 (23 April 2024)

✨ Features

  • Add: Output panel to show the latest output of shell scripts

1.3.0 (19 April 2024)

✨ Features

  • Add: Shell Script editor

1.2.0 (07 April 2024)

✨ Features

  • Add: Compress PDF
  • Add: Progress indicator

1.1.0 (03 April 2024)

✨ Features

  • Add Email Attachments Action

🛠️ Fixes

  • In App Update should work properly now

1.0.0 (02 April 2024)

🚨 First public beta release version 🥳

✨ Features

  • 2 default action types: Airdrop and Deep Linking
  • 2 quick actions: copying and moving files

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